RCMSL is the lead club for the just concluded Rotary Family Olympics 2008 at the ULTRA last March 9. We are co-hosting the event with RC Muntinlupa Filinvest and 20 other clubs in the District. The Family Olympics started with the parade of clubs afterwhich there was a warm up exercise by PATAFA. Governor ATO and the Sharing Presidents did the lighting of the Olympic Torch. Our team (Orange Team), won the 1st Runner Up Over-All.


After a very busy month last February, we decided to have our general assembly to relax a bit and update all members of the projects implemented last month. We also discussed projects lined up to March such as the Family Olympics which our club is the lead club and the DISCON wherein 11 members are confirmed to attend. Angel Tatlonghari and Eugene attended our meeting and updated us on our Bamboo project for Calawis Antipolo. Eugene and Angel will help us develop our business plan so that we can get project grant from foundations to support our projects.


Last March 1 and 2, RCMSL had its planning session for the term of PE Chacha Camacho. The first part of the planning session was just an assessment of the club’s situation, projects, budget, challenges etc. This will help the Incoming President plan out properly her projects for the coming year. At night, we had a lot of fun with good food, wine and "private" stories. The next day, we had a visit to the barangay hall where we met our RCC representatives. Afterwhich, we had a session with Romy Sta. Ana regarding bamboo. We plan to reforest Brgy. Calawis with 50,000 bamboo. After lunch, we met with the leaders of our RCC for us to know their dreams for their community so that we can incorporate our plans with their ambitions. The planning session was facilitated by Angel Tatlonghari.